Bookingflow AI
[Premium accounts only]
In business, if you can understand and learn from the data you capture, then you have unlocked the key to high growth. Bookingflow is the only software provider that is pioneering the use of AI and machine learning in the booking space.
We work around providing you recommendations around four main levers to help you take your sales to a higher level:
- Demand Planning
- Improved pricing
- Acquisition marketing
- Loyalty marketing
Demand Planning
Being able to predict what will happen, prepares you for whatever will happen next. Our AI models can forecast how many bookings you will receive before it happens.
Improved Pricing
We monitor how your pricing impacts your bookings and report back to you on the predicted impact of recent pricing changes. We also track your competitors and let you know how you compare against them.
Acquisition Marketing
Investing in marketing can be a scary prospect particularly when you don't know if you can't tell what the return on your investment is. Yet it is through these methods that the majority of businesses bring in enough revenue to expand their operations or retire early.
Building on our pricing models our marketing recommendation engine measures the true uplift from marketing activity after accounting for other factors seasonality, competitors and trends. Using this information it recommends the most effective activity for you to try.
Loyalty Marketing
Your previous customers are your easiest way of ensuring sales. Analysing your customers previous activity we identify key information about them, such as who is your most loyal customer and the best time to contact them.
Once you have identified the customers to contact we provide template emails that have been drafted by experienced copywriter.
Our in App chatbot gives you an easy way to draft messages to your customers in a way that sounds professional and well considered.
Independent Advice
In addition we offer free advice in each of these areas for those who are unfamiliar with these types of activities.